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Javion Johnson: Meet the Man Behind the Scene

Javion Johnson hasn't been on the Earth for too long. But the twenty three year old has made the best of all his living years and waking moments. Johnson is signed on as the Campaign Manager and Chief Of Staff for Jewell Jones. The youngest Michigan State Representative serving to date.

The Chief of Staff hadn't taken student council or government during his tenure at Renaissance High School. He took up marching band and spent his time staying out of trouble.

Johnson works behind the scenes to secure Jones's schedule and speaking engagements. It's only been recently where he was able to quit his retail job, and put his focus on the people full time. Johnson and Jones share an office in the state capitol building with Senior Advisor, Preston Peterson. Whether he has to travel in state, or cross the boundaries, Javion learns something with each experience. He adheres it to his lifestyle, education and career.

Not considering his work that of a politician. But the young black man deems himself a public servant. His team works around the clock to secure ways for the people to expand their minds. The office puts targets on Youth Engagement, public safety and community policing, and improving social and economic welfare.

Javion has a busy schedule of his own. He's majoring in economics at the University of Michigan Dearborn. Johnson plans on using his resources to better the lives of the those around him. The job, and what comes along with it does not get in the way of Javion's relationships with family and friends. He earned the support of those who matter most to him. It's not uncommon that work can strengthen the relationship between Johnson's core group of support.

The man behind the scenes loves his job and faces every challenge with confidence. Right now Javion is preparing Jewell's upcoming State Representative race. The Telegram Newspaper wishes them the best of luck with their historic campaign and careers.

Telegram - What was your start in the political process.

Javion Johnson - A job opportunity in middle school, knocking on doors. I can't remember the name of the campaign but I still have a shirt. I took classes at Morehouse during the Obama campaign, I was picked to go with a group to Jacksonville. That was some hardcore door knocking, in a very new environment. At that time I wasn't even old enough to vote.

Telegram - How did you meet Jewell?

Javion Johnson - We met in 2013, him and I became great friends. The year following we worked in the Governor's race on Rick Schauer's campaign.

Telegram - What's the difference between sixteen year old Javion and the man of today?

Javion Johnson - Not much is different but I can admit that I'm a lot more mature, and have grown with my decision making skills. I've always been a hard worker, I've used the experience and time to progress my work ethic.

Telegram - How does the mentoring from Mr. Peterson help?

Javion Johnson - There's some things we don't know that he's very knowledgeable about. Mr. Peterson is always there to fall back on, he doesn't mind filling in some of the gaps. It's good to be young, but it's better to have a seasoned base in your corner.

Telegram - Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Javion Johnson - Graduated from school. A bigger office if I'm still down this path. Hopefully we can help in a greater capacity. I want to wield a powerful, long lasting influence. Even if it's not in office, it's not impossible to connect people all over the world.


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