Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Ending Domestic Violence is Everyone's Business

Often the purple ribbon gets lost in a sea of pink, but it does not diminish the importance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It is not a glamourous topic, but one that impacts us all. So with that, we will give it a voice.

Often what follows in the domestic violence conversation is victim blaming, for example, "why doesn't she just leave or why does she allow it?" Really? The question that should follow is, "why does he abuse her?" It is important to understand that just leaving is not an option for many women. Where does she go when she has been isolated from her friends and family? Where does she go when shelters are full? Where does she go when she has no money to pay for a hotel? Where does she go when she does not have reliable transportation?

The major misconception about domestic violence is that it is always physical abuse (punching slapping, kicking, biting, strangling, etc.). Domestic violence can also be:

* Emotional Abuse

* Financial Abuse

* Isolation

* Sexual Abuse

* Intimidation

* Coercion/Threats

* Denying, Minimizing, and Blaming

Domestic violence is not about love, it is about exerting power and control over another person. So, I challenge you to speak up for victims of domestic violence. I challenge you to believe victims of domestic violence. I challenge you to support victims of domestic violence. Remember, ending domestic violence is everyone's business.

If you are a victim or survivor needing support, please contact the National Domestic Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

Shareia N. Carter


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