Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Los Angeles Teachers strike a wakeup call

The Teachers in the second largest school district is on strike. The Teachers of Los Angeles have gone on strike but not only pay but lower class sizes that average 40 and more support staff. This strike opens up the issue of for profit private schools that have mixed reviews with student out come. There is nothing wrong with competition yet teachers deserve a living wage and support for the teachers with support staff. Teacher's aids are a huge help for teachers to reach each child especially with special needs.

The schools are expected to stay open with the ongoing strike. The district is going to hire 400 nonunion substitute teachers and use some 2000 credentialed central office staff members, School administrators and school police officers also will be working according to the Los Angeles times. The district offered the unions a six percent raise over two years and a commitment to hire 1200 new positions for one year and a pledge to reduce class sizes.

Other states to strike were Kansas, Arizona, West Virginia, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Kentucky all going out on strike due to working conditions and out of pocket expenses from the teachers themselves. Teachers are at the front line in keeping our country completive with the rest of the world. Will Michigan and other states be forced to shut down the state's schools for principles of keeping our country completive with the rest of the world?

Donald Lozon


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