Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944


Husbands & wives are spending lots of time together. Boyfriends & girlfriends are spending much-talking phone time together or should be as they prepare for what could be. People engaged to be married now have more time to prepare for that great day coming when the two shall become one. Parents have more time to spend with their children now. Parents are once again in charge of 99% of their children's Christian & secular education. Parents have more time now for home Bible study classes and family devotions and prayer. People through social media sites are being more social these days than when they could see each other physically. And all those things that we needed to get done are finally getting done. Or at least they are receiving some serious thought. It is time to unwind the mind and see a new future—a time for making plans and goals short-range, mid-range-and long-term. Jesus has given us time to finish works we may have began a long time ago, which our busy lives kept us from getting done. Now we have time to get it done finally. The Lord Jesus has blessed me to have finally finished a total of five books that I have been working on for five years. Three were rewrites and one a compilation and one brand new. We would all do well to take this time to allow God to lay us down in the green pastures and lead us beside the still waters because it is in this way that He restores our soul (our mind, will, and emotions). And He does this for the sake of His name. Our Lord Jesus has promised never to leave us or forsake us even at a time like this one. The Lord Jesus has guaranteed to be with us to the very end of the church age, which He will bring to an end at the Rapture. So look at this time as a time of rebuilding. During the time between the Old and the New Testament are called the silent years. What that means is no inspired word Came from heaven to earth. But when we look at those years, they were anything but silent. God used those years to prepare the world for the advent of the Savior of the world. So just as Father did, we should do the same in these days and at this time. We should be prospering in what the world calls " the bad times."

Lord Jesus, teach us to number these days and to make the most of each one you give us on this earth. Until we all come home,


With all the love of Jesus Christ

Pastor O.



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