Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Mayor Duggan expands vaccination eligibility

Detroit's Food Service Workers at Restaurants and Groceries included

Starting today, any food service employee living or working in Detroit, regardless of age, can call to schedule an appointment to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the TCF Center, Mayor Mike Duggan announced today. The Mayor also added to the eligible list, any security guard living or working in the city of Detroit. The full list of eligible individuals now includes:

Food Service Workers, including grocery store, restaurant, meat packing and food and beverage handling employees living or working in Detroit (NEW)

Security guards and janitors living or working in Detroit (NEW)

Any resident of the City of Detroit who is age 65 or older.

That means anyone born in 1955 or earlier.

K-12 teachers and support staff and day care workers

S. Post Office Employees who live or work in Detroit

Employees of the City of Detroit or city-related agencies who are working from their regular job site (Employees working from home are not eligible at this time

State and Federal Law enforcement working in Detroit

Members of the Clergy interacting with members of their congregation

Funeral Home/mortuary employees working in Detroit

Paid and unpaid persons in health care settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials working in Detroit

"Food service workers play a critical role in our economy and touch all of our lives, so I'm pleased that we are now able to offer the vaccine to them," Mayor Duggan said. "This new expansion potential allows even more Detroiters and essential workers greater access to the vaccination and hopefully keeps another group of frontline workers protected from this terrible disease."

The Mayor also singled out for eligibility security guards and janitors who, by the nature of their work are employed in environments where they have close interactions with large numbers of people on a daily basis. This represents the fifth expansion of eligibility since the city opened up the TCF center vaccination site. Initially, access to vaccinations in Detroit for residents was limited to those ages 75 or older. However, the current call volume for scheduling requests is allowing the Mayor to lower the threshold last week to anyone age 65 or older.

Public Dashboard tracks doses, vaccinations

As of today, the city has received 39,350 vaccine doses and as of the end of the day Monday had administered 18,444. That includes more than 7,300 residents over the age of 65 and "Good Neighbor" drivers, 1,993 health care providers, 2,400 first responders, 2,800 teachers and school staff, and 2,500 other eligible individuals. Daily updated numbers are now available on a public dashboard accessible at

How to schedule an appointment

Eligible residents and employees can call 313-230-0505 between 9AM and 8PM, Monday-Friday to make an appointment. As of yesterday, the average wait time for callers who made it through the initial prompts to determine their eligibility was about 15 minutes. Detailed information on the TCF testing site is available at As additional independent vaccination sites at pharmacies and elsewhere come online in the city, a map of locations will be added to the website.

Scheduling details

Vaccinations will be administered by appointment only. Workers and residents will not be vaccinated without having first made an appointment. Individuals must call 313-230-0505 to schedule.

Grocery store and security guard employees scheduling appointments will be required to provide their name, residence address and age. For greater efficiency and convenience, the city is recommending that when possible, eligible members of the same family or neighbors schedule jointly and arrive in the same vehicle. Group B essential workers will be required to provide the name of their employer and their most recent pay stub to verify their eligibility.

Second vaccination required

When they schedule their appointment, individuals will be provided TWO appointment dates, one for the first dose and another for the required second dose. Call center staff will contact each scheduled person prior to their second appointment to remind them. Individuals also will be provided specific instructions on when and where to arrive to the TCF Center, where they will be required to fill out a basic consent form.

After receiving their vaccination, individuals will be required to remain in their vehicles inside the TCF garage for a period of approximately 15 minutes to make sure they are not experiencing any side effects. Medical staff will be on hand to assist any who may experience any side effects. Appointments should last approximately one hour once the person enters the TCF garage.

Individuals must call 313-230-0505 to schedule an appointment.


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