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Westland address COVID-19 pandemic Community can still get tested and get the vaccine

Cities through out Wayne County are working hard to stay on top of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although they are all working in partnership with the County and State, each city has their own plans for keeping their residents safe.

This week, we hear from Westland's Mayor, William Wild.

TELEGRAM: What programs do you have or have had to get masks to your residents?

MAYOR WILD: We are distributing free masks every day at City Hall and Jefferson Barns Community Center. We are distributing free masks at the ongoing Covid-19 testing site at Senior Center. We are distributing free masks with meals on wheels deliveries. We are distributing free masks at weekly Gleaners food distribution sites. A Westland church has been distributing masks once a week in a partnership with Wayne County.

TELEGRAM: According to the Census data, your population breakdown is 74% White, 17% Black and 6% Hispanic. Since it has been documented that people of color are more adversely affected by COVID-19, what steps are you taking to make sure those residents are included in the early set of people that were able to receive COVID-19 Vaccinations?

MAYOR WILD: We have contacted or visited African American churches in Westland to help get the word out, We sent a representative to the largest African American senior housing complex to ask them to get the word out, We have utilized prominent African American residents to help spread the work.

TELEGRAM: Are there any opportunities for people to get a COVID-19 test in your city that would get a true picture of how many people are walking around with a positive diagnosis?

MAYOR WILD: We have continued to partner with Wayne County Health Department to offer an ongoing testing site in the city. The numbers of those seeking testing has diminished dramatically. As Mayor, I receive a daily update on Westland positive Covid-19 cases and deaths from Wayne County Executive Warren Evans staff.

TELEGRAM: What would you like the residents of Westland and Wayne County (since people pass through other cities to get to your city) to know about dealing with COVID-19?

MAYOR WILD: It's important to remain diligent with mask wearing and safety protocols. It's still important to continue to seek testing if you are symptomatic or have been directly exposed. It is very important to get the first vaccine that is available to you and to try to get on as many lists as you can to get the vaccine, as soon as you can. It's also extremely important to communicate with your health providers, they are your first line of defense when it comes to your health. Also, communicate with City Officials of any disability or mobility issues that would make it difficult for you to go get vaccinated, as programs may soon be available to receive a vaccination in your home.

For more information on Westland visit their website -


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