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Precautions Of Driving Under The Influence

The most dangerous drivers on the road are users of alcohol and marijuana. When you consume alcohol or marijuana right before driving you engage in a certain type of behavior that's dangerous for you, others on the road near you, and innocent bystanders. When users drive under the influence they become more aggressive drivers who are more likely to engage in speeding, running red lights intentionally, and texting while driving. These are dangerous behaviors that impaired drivers take part in.

When someone drinks alcohol or uses drugs they are often not in the right state of mind and aren't fully capable of thinking thoroughly for themselves. It affects the way the person walks, talks, and sees. Alcohol causes double vision by slowing down the communication between the eyes and the brain. Double vision is a simultaneous perception of two images overlapping one another. A car can't be driven correctly if the person behind the wheel isn't seeing the road properly. A vehicle is a machine that must be controlled responsibly and with care. Driving is nothing to play around with because within a blink of a second someone's life could be taken away all because of an irresponsible act.

Around ⅓ of all fatal crashes in the United States are caused because of alcohol or drug use. Information provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that drugs used by impaired drivers include alcohol, marijuana, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications and illegal drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse alcohol is most commonly found amongst impaired drivers with marijuana being the second most common drug found. Alcohol and marijuana are the two biggest drugs used in the United States. Millions of first time marijuana and alcohol users were under the age of 21.

It's imperative that the education on the risks of alcohol and drug use while driving under the influence continues. Children should be taught on this subject while they are still young. That way they'll know the precautions of impaired driving once they're of the legal age to drink alcohol and use marijuana. Adults should constantly be reminded about driving while under the influence and why it's so risky and never the right choice. The percentage of crashes caused by impaired drivers is still high, however, a constant reminder could decrease the percentage of crashes and save lives.


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