Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Adams wants to Debate Duggan says no

Detroiters will decide

Who will serve as the leader of the City of Detroit for the next four years? That decision will be made on November 2, 2021 by the people of Detroit. Before the decision is made, people normally watch the candidates debate each other on different topics with a moderator fielding the questions. However, current Mayor, Michael Duggan, has stated that he will not debate Mayoral candidate Anthony Adams. The Telegram News reached out to Adams to get his viewpoint on the Mayor's decision.

TN – What is the importance of a debate

ADAMS - The debate is a time honored tradition in our democratic process. The voters have a chance every four years to take a look at the candidates, size them up side by side and really hear what they say.

The current mayor is up against a qualified candidate. I understand the operations of municipal government, can offer policy prospective on how to transform our city and I have the ability to dissect the failures of his policies and he simply is running away from his responsibilities; not to me but to the voters.

TN - What are your thoughts on the comment that Mayor Duggan's press secretary Alexis Wiley stated, "There is no reason for him (Duggan) to debate because everyone knows Mayor Duggan?"

ADAMS - I don't think people know him quite like they want to know him.

When you don't debate, that says a lot about you. If your policies are as good as you say they are and your direction is as good as you say it is. Then let's test them.

There is a vision of how to move the city forward and they need to hear them.

There were 10 candidates in the initial race. I attended every forum to provide answers to questions as to why I'm the best candidate for the job.

Not to have a conversation to discuss the issues, I think is doing the people a real disservice.

I think it shows a lack of courage on his part. He is running for his third term. We need to examine whether he is truly worthy of that. To suggest that people know him; I think that is a lame excuse.

TN - The comment made by Wiley said 'Everybody' knows him. For Detroit, the population is about 700,000, so does that mean all 700,000 people know him.

ADAMS – Based on the Census, the City of Detroit has about 600,000 people. Approximately 90,000 people have moved out of the city. The mayor's initial claim to fame was that he would reverse the population trend and he would be judged by his whether he was able to successfully do that. The people moving out of Detroit are mainly black, working class people. These are the people who really made the city work. The question is why are people moving out of the city of Detroit?

TN - What issues would you want to address if you had a debate against the current Mayor of Detroit?

ADAMS - Tax Policy and how are we taxes ourselves to benefit the people who live in the community– Is our community continuing being overtaxed; Is there a need for people to be compensated for over taxation? I say Yes, He says No.

Crime and how we police ourselves – Should we focus on facial recognition technology, green light... to guide our policy? Should we invest more in the human aspect of how we deal with crime? have crime intervention specialist and gang intervention specialist, social workers. How do you address crime without a poverty? If crime is a byproduct of poverty, then it would make sence to me that we address policy, bad education, lack of job opportunity.

Housing Policies – What is the best way to use our Affordability housing dollars to we can keep people in their homes? - Why are we have loan programs for our seniors and not grant programs. Why aren't there programs for the working poor people? The super rich have programs, the super poor have programs, however if you are in the middle, there isn't anything to help you get your life together or help you fix your home.

Transportation Policies – What is the best way to move people from Point A to Point B? The majority of people live in Detroit work outside the City of Detroit. How do we change the People have to catch 3 – 4 buses to get to work. How do we address mobility in our community?

Digital Divide – How does the city and school districts closer work together to insure our children have the education needs that want? When do we talk about the closing of libraries when we have a high illiteracy rate in our community? How do we bring do fund adult education that effect high illiteracy.

These issues are some of the reasons 90,000 people have moved out of the city.

TN - Since you will not have a debate against Duggan, what is your strategy to get people to know you?

ADAMS - I am out everyday talking to everyday people. People need to hear what I say.

I am out there talking to people, being on the street. People need to hear what I have to say and feel my passion. People are slowly waking towards us and listening to what I have to say. Let's not deal with the apathy, let's not deal with the thought that your vote doesn't matter, because it does.

TN - Will you ask him for a debate?

ADAMS - I will continue to point out why he doesn't debate. I am hopeful that organizations that normally have debates will still have them. I will show up. I will be there and be ready to answer the questions. People need to hear from their leadership as to what they propose to do and how we all work together as a community.

What is the fear? If your policies are as strong as you say they are ...let's test them.

TN - Message do you want to give to the people of Detroit?

ADAMS - There is a better life that awaits you if you are prepared to accept a progressive leadership in the city of Detroit.

I am a person who is truly committed to uplifting the lives of all who lives here. My goal is to create a city that actually works for everyone. I am totally committed to the people of this community.

I believe in the people. I believe in their worth and I value and respect their opinion and look forward to working with each and every citizen in the City of Detroit to create a City that works.

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