Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944


Charles Alexander

_Age: ____91_____

City you live in now: ___Ecorse_

Where were you born and raised: Siluvia Alabama

Number of children: _2____Number of grandchildren: __4___ Number of great grand children __10____

Employment History: _____Coal Mine Boothon Alabama 16 to 18 years of Age; Ford Motor Company 4 years; Great Lakes Steel 36 years - Retired

Family members (living/deceased) ___Wife deceased – Edith Alexander, Son deceased Living – 2 sons, 4 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, multiple relatives and friends _

Motto you live by: ____Be honest with yourself and others; Thankful for one day at a time_

Who inspires you and why: Sons – Kenneth and

Gregory and my sisters Nola and Doris_____

What do you remember most about growing up in the community where you did? Being with family and neighbors and by giving love and helping one another. Our families were closer_

What message would you like to give to your grandchildren? __Love one another_

FAVORITE SINGER: ____Nat King Cole__

FAVORITE MOVIE: ____The Haves and the Have Nots


FAVORITE PERSON: Kenneth, Gregory, Albert, Shelia, Marsha, Arthur, Nola and Doris____


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