Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Have you read anything good lately?

How much time do your children spend reading in a week? Do they see you reading?

I have always been a reader. My parents made sure we read books, mostly Black History books or stories, however we always were reading. I remember my teacher at Northrup Elementary school, Ms. Moore, challenging us to read a book a week. We also had competitions to see who could read the most books and since I love to win... I always kept a book in my hand.

As you see reading is a learned behavior. I read books, newspapers, magazines and whatever else I find because my parents passed that love of reading to me. I have passed that love to my kids and they have and will pass it to their kids. They are both college graduates so I guess reading came in handy.

I encourage you to begin reading and read to your children and grandchildren. It is a love that will take them many places. My last suggestion is to take your children to the library and let them check out a few books. There is nothing like spending an afternoon in the community library. Plus the books are FREE to read. Just remember to take them back on time.

Reading is fun, fun, fun.... Pass it on


Gina Wilson Steward



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