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Gina Wilson Steward has plans to become the Next Mayor of River Rouge

It's Time for Change in the City

Her goal is to make sure River Rouge is a better city for all of it's residents. She says that her education, corporate work experience, her experience as a small business owner, relationships with stake holders throughout Wayne County and the State has prepared her to become the next Mayor of River Rouge.

Ms. Wilson as she is called by most people in the community where she grew up has been a positive role model to many of the young people in the Millennial age group. She was their tutor and the person they reached out to for help in any situation that they had. She is known for using her connections to provide assistance whenever needed.

When looking at the current status of the City of River Rouge, she sees that there are many issues that need to be addressed that will transform the City into a more vibrant place for all of its residents.

I love River Rouge and I believe that over the last decade there are things that have been overlooked that would have made the city a place that people have nothing but good things to say about it.

What educational background do you have? I graduated from River Rouge High School on the College Prep Plan. I received a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tuskegee University and a Master's Degree from the University of Detroit in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on Organizational Behavior.

How will you excel as the Mayor? The role of the Mayor of River Rouge is to preside over the city council meetings and handeling day to day functions; I have been presiding over meetings as the President of the Western Wayne County NAACP for over five years and as the President of the Downriver Delta Community Development Corporation for over six years. As Mayor, I will be the Ambassador for the City, serving on committees, representing the City at events throughout the State, ensuring the residents know that I am their spokesperson and advocate and working with staff and elected officials in a manner that shows positive leadership with integrity and honesty

What makes River Rouge unique and how will you capitalize on that quality? River Rouge is positioned in Wayne County right outside of the City of Detroit, along the Detroit River and the International border. The Midwest region of the country makes us the ideal location for becoming a hub for businesses. I believe with the right partnerships, River Rouge could be the destination place for families and businesses throughout the county and the State of Michigan. I believe that the Mayor must have a vision for the city and the desire, ability to know how to be successful.

How will you interact with people in the community? Serving the people in the community is one aspect of the job that I can do with my eyes closed. I love helping people and making sure they have the things that they need to make their lives better. I believe our senior citizens should be able to live out their lives happy, safe and as active as they want to be. We will have programming where they will have an opportunity to interact with our young people and share their wisdom and life experiences with them. Since I am a mother and grandmother, our elected officials will have an opportunity to interact with the residents to share that motherly/fatherly love and concern with them. I believe in leading by example.

She stated, "Our city is due for a real transformation. As I say often, let's keep what's working, but for the things that are not working, let's change them. I believe in Accountability, Transparency and Fairness and I will lead the city in those key areas.

Together, we can move the city forward. If you are ready to see change in your city, then I am the person to lead the charge.


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