Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

What is the story? Let's Take Time to Read

There are so many people that have written a book. Our Black History Series – Spotlight on Local Authors- has been a hit so we are going to continue it. The emails and calls that we have received from local authors has been encouraging and enlightening. I knew that people have something to say, because I do. What I didn't know was that people have taken the next step to have their words published.

The Telegram will continue to run the 'Spotlight on Local Authors' throughout the year. If you are a local author and you want to be included in the Series, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Since March is Reading Month, we want to combine that theme with our 'Spotlight on Local Authors' Series. We want to continue encouraging people to 'Take Time To Read'. The Telegram wants people to sign up for a Library Card at their local library. When is the last time that you visited your local library? I bet you haven't had a library card since high school. Well, let's see if we can change that. Maybe you, your children and your grandchildren can get a library card. There are many books to read and things to do at the local libraries. So stop in for a visit. You might find the books that are featured in the 'Spotlight on Local Authors Series on the shelf.

Let's Take Time to Read!


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