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City of Wayne's DDA Egg-Cellent Adventure is Underway

The city of Wayne Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is preparing some warm weather fun in the city. From March 18 through March 30, Wayne's Egg-Cellent Adventure will take place. "Each week we hide several Golden Eggs around the downtown, outside of businesses," explains Lisa Kubany, Wayne DDA Director of Marketing and Events. "Some eggs have candy but 45 lucky eggs hold a lucky number inside and that number leads them to the Downtown W Market to collect a prize. Prizes can include gift cards to local Wayne businesses, movie passes, toys, Easter baskets, and more."

To participate, just hunt for the Golden Eggs throughout the downtown Wayne area. Kubany adds they could be anywhere. Once you've found a Golden Egg with a lucky number, go to Wayne Makers Market, located at 34852 W. Michigan Avenue in downtown Wayne, to claim a prize. Kubany says don't let the fun end there, however. "Enjoy the festivities. After the hunt stick around to enjoy the lively atmosphere of the Makers Market. Browse unique handmade goods, savor delicious treats, and soak in the community spirit," she says. The DDA requests one prize per person please. The Wayne Makers Market will also host a free photo event with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, March 23 from 2 to 4 p.m. ayne Maker


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