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Colorectal cancer Known As the Silent Killer, Know How to Reduce Your Chances of Death

Extremely prevalent in the United States, did you know that 1 in 20 Americans will be diagnosed with colon cancer in their lifetime? It's unfortunate but the truth remains, this type of cancer, colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of death in the country. Are you ready to learn more?

According to the American Cancer Society, it's expected that more than 106,000 new cases of colon cancer will be diagnosed this year. For rectal cancer, more than 46,000 will be diagnosed as new cases. Here's the good news, the rate of individuals being diagnosed has continuously dropped every year since mid-1980s. Now, not all factors are in your control but, the decrease seems to have happened due to changes in lifestyles-related risk factors. People in America are getting screening done more often. However, the caveat is that, there seems to be an increase by 1-2 percent in people who are younger than 55 years of age.

Men – 1 in 23 are at risk of developing colorectal cancer

Women – 1 in 25 are at risk of developing colorectal cancer

Death amongst family and friends can and has been a touchy subject but holding the conversation is very much needed. The United States will see about 53,000 deaths due to colorectal cancer this year. To be exact, in men, it's the third leading cause of death and in women it's the fourth leading cause. The numbers are terrifying but it's reality.

There is hope and some good news. It's the effectiveness of early detection and screening. Screening has now allowed doctors to find the cancer early and in its early stages, when it can be more easily treatable. Of course, with the advancement of science and technology, colorectal cancer treatment has improved over the past several decades.

Now why is colorectal cancer called the silent killer? According to Mount Sinai Medical Center in Florida, it's because it is often diagnosed at a very late stage due to the lack of symptoms. Here are somethings that are important for you to know that can potentially reduce your risk.

- Being obese or overweight along with lack of physical activity

- Long-Term smokers have 30-50% greater chance

- Heavy alcohol use is linked

- Eating less red and processed meats

Now some aren't out the woods even by doing the above. We must include certain risk factors that are purely uncontrollable like having the genetics associated with colon cancer. Family history of the disease, racial background, age, and having certain illnesses like Crohn's or ulcerative colitis can increase your chance no matter what. Once of the best test that you can get is called a colonoscopy.

Talk with your doctor about your concerns. Again, early detection is key. If you are young but you have family history, there is a way to get tested prior to the recommended age of 45.

- Stay Fit

- Eat Healthy

- Stop Smoking

- Limit Alcohol


- Schedule Your Appointment Today!


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