Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Higher than Kites, the Detroit Kite Festival reveals: Stewardship, Community and Joy

Did you drive over the Douglas MacArthur Bridge one day and see the sky filled with kites? Have you been to the Detroit Kite Festival? "This is my favorite festival as a lifelong Detroiter," says Lex Draper Garcia Bey, Co-lead organizer. After the founding organizer stepped away Lex stepped up. "I couldn't imagine what it would be like to come to my favorite festival and it not feel familiar to me."

Along with food trucks and music, Lex added things that felt like her. On Sunday July 14, 2024, at James Scott Memorial fountain square on Belle Isle. The area was lined with food, ice cream, juice and dessert trucks. Non – profit and informational vendor booths for education and policies. As well as activity booths, like repair kites with the DIA and bubble therapy. The event even had a visit from the Detroit Opera House musicians and vocalist. There was a yoga session and jamming DJ. Plus, the synchronized professional kite fliers, the Windjammers.

"This is the second year and I'm already looking forward to what I'm going to do next year," says Lex. This was also Alex Marx second year attending the event. "I had so much fun last year," he said. Evidence of that statement was the invite he offered fellow friend Alex Kokesh. "It just sounded like a fun time," said Kokesh. He was unraveling his kite string, enjoying the moment of it all. Marx came over to give some companionship.

The community element was obvious. You might have run into some person you knew or a familiar face while out. Strangers turned neighbors quickly. Neighbors shared tips and trick for different kites. Maybe crossing kite strings, aiding in rescuing kites from trees, or a simple compliment on your kite could strike up a conversation among the crowd.

The location helps bring out this behavior. Co-led Sopiyah Elizabeth explains, "It's important humanity wise to be on the land and be surrounded by water." As studies show fresh air, water, and sunlight has been known to increase positive moods. Sterling Bowman and her daughters are annual Detroit Kite Festival goers. "Belle Isle is a place we like to come anyway," said Bowman "A place we like to come, a fun event and we enjoy it." Detroit Kite Festival represents what luxury and community can.

There were all ages in attendance, a wide variety of kites and reflected much like communities. Kite flying has ups and downs and considered all participants, spectators, objects and elements in the area. Like when a boat passed by you could bet a good wind get your kite up the air. "You get the spiritual essences that take place between understanding the science of winds," said Sopiyah. "You see bigger philosophies when flying kites," she added "We are rooted in stewardship."

Stewardship is an ethical value that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources. "We really want to make sure its authentic, so having the Detroit Kite festival, it really does bring that out." Detroit Kite Festival is volunteer- led. The Detroit Kite Festival concepts include, environment and nature, health, intentional about the place, economics and property. Flying kites is an awesome activity the whole family can enjoy. A certain about the Detroit Kite Festival as Lex added, "It gives people an invitation to slow down and to be still and to just insight the joy; making sure joy is abundant for everybody."


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