Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

In Everything Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is a time to think about what you are thankful for. Many families have a part of the Thanksgiving dinner time to go around the table and have each person say what they are thankful for. It's normally an eye opening experience as people share things that you had no idea were important to them. It's always exciting to hear what the children are thankful for. As they mature their list of things that they are thankful for expands.

A kids definition of 'Thankful' is Thankful means feeling or showing thanks; being grateful1. It is wanting to thank the person or thing that did something good for you or made you feel happy.

Some Christian Adults reflect - In the Bible, being thankful means to give grace and kindness in response to God's goodness, and to acknowledge that we depend on others and need to appreciate them. It's a positive response that can help us grow spiritually and focus on the good in our lives.

I believe that most people are thankful for the good stuff that happens in their lives or in their family's life. But 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "In everything give thanks". So does that mean that we give thanks for the not so good things that happen in our lives too? I believe it does. I have realized that when I am thankful/grateful for the small things or the lessons that are learned from the not so good things, it puts me in a better head space. For me, I have learned to not let an incident or issue consume my time or thought process. I thank God for the lesson and continue to watch him 'Work' or in today's terms, 'Show Out'. I believe that if His Word says 'In Everything Give thanks' and I am obedient .......I know a Hallelujah is coming.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving Day?


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