Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944
What do you do when something is going on in your community? Do you speak out? Do you investigate the situation? Do you talk it over with any of the community activists in your neighborhood?
Well those are some steps that must happen to let the corporations or elected officials know that you are paying attention to what is going on. Notice of Public Hearings must be published in your local newspaper. The Telegram Newspaper is one source of those public hearings. (normally on Page 11A)
As we begin 2025, we want to encourage our readers to stay abreast of happenings in our communities and then use your voice by speaking out for or against the upcoming issue.
The Public Hearing below is one that effects the residents surrounding the City of River Rouge. Take time to do your research and then speak out.
PUBLIC HEARING - EES Coke Battery, LILC -APP-,2024-0157
EGLE is holding a public comment period regarding EES Coke Battery, LL C's proposed Permit to Install from January 8 until February 24, 2025. The company is requesting to add a secondary coke screener and associated equipment at the facility.
An informational! session and public heariing will be held on February 12 beginning at 5:30 p.m. The hearing wm begin immediately following the informational session. The public hearing will be to take formal testimony on the record.
*Attend in person: River Rouge City Hall, 10600 WestJefferson Avenue, River Rouge, Ml
* Watch a broadcast online: pre-regiister any time or join at 5:30 p.m. on February 12 at: CaH in to listen only: 636-651-3142 and use conference code 374288.
To learn more about the public hearing process, view the "Public Hearings - What You Should Know" document. To tell us what you think,, you may cll clk the "Submit Comment" button below or submit your comment in a variety of other ways.
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